MCTC Cooperates in Game Dev Challenge 2018 held at Phandeeyar
From 1st Dec to 9th Dec, 2018
At the Game Dev Challenge, 2018, MCTC provides Pre-Game Development Logic workshops and Knowledge Sharing Sessions for the participants.
On 2nd Dec, 2018, Firstly, Nae Myo Aung Khing(CEO of MCTC) gave speech about Game development basics, Game Design and the perspective of producers as well from 10.00 am to 11.00am.
Then, from 11:00 am to 12:30pm Nanda Ye Aung (Acedamic Head of MCTC) provided game development workshop with the title ‘Assets support and Sample Game Development demonstration’.
After that, Doshine (Concept Art Prime Lecturer of MCTC) shared knowledge about ‘Publishing and Game Concept Demonstration explanation’ with live Game Concept Art Drawing from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
Besides, MCTC also supports Unity Assets Packages, which worth up to USD 1200$, as a support for the participants in developing their own games.
On 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th Dec, 2018, CEO of MCTC, Nae Myo Aung Khing and responsible persons of MCTC gave required continuous support for the participants to be able to create quality games during the event.
On the final day of the event, MCTC Concept Art Prime Lecturer, Do Shine will perform as one of the judges for the Phandeeyar Game Dev challenge 2018.